


En résumé

Développeur spécialisé Flex/AIR/Flash et Applications Mobiles (AIR Mobile, Android et iOS), basé au Royaume-Uni, avec plus de 16 ans d'expérience et une forte prédilection pour tout ce qui a trait aux interfaces riches et visuellement avancées.

Se concentre actuellement sur les applications mobiles (smartphones, tablettes, Android, iOS).

Développement, design, Flex, Flash, AIR, Java, Android, iOS, iPhone, iPad, Objective-C, Parsley, RobotLegs, Swiz, Degrafa, Mate, PureMVC, Flash Media Server, AMF, Eclipse, PHP, XML, CSS, HTML, MySQL, Oracle, Director, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, ...

Mes compétences :
Adobe AIR
application development
IPhone development
Mobile Applications


  • CMC Markets - Android Developer

    London 2011 - 2012 Worked remotely with Hypnocode GmbH (a german team based in Dresden) on porting CMC Market's "Spreadbet" and "Trade It" iPhone financial apps to the Android Platform (version 2.2+).
    A great opportunity for me to delve into Java/Android Sdk, and also the mobile universe specificities (in terms of UI, tweaking and optimisation).
    It was also a fantastic opportunity to see my daughter growing up every day since I was working from home!
  • HSBC - Senior Flex Developer

    Paris 2010 - 2011 Worked with the cream of London Flex developers on HSBC's internal assets servicing front-end. Flex 4 components development, of course, and other cutting edge stuff. I have enjoyed every minute of it!
  • Keytree - Flex Developer

    2009 - 2010 Keytree specialises in developing innovative Flex user interfaces for enterprise SAP systems.

    - Worked on a Flex 4 front-end (with an SAP back-end) for Centrica on a project regarding contracts renewal and allocation.
    - Worked in Paris on a global, strategic SAP project, to develop Flex user interfaces for several applications as part of a worldwide advertising workflow solution for the Publicis Groupe.
    I spend my time between Publicis' headquarters in Paris and Keytree's offices in London.
  • Sammedia Ltd - Freelance Flex Developer

    2009 - 2009 Contributed to MoneyInfo, a dashboard application which aggregates IFA client data from a number of sources and then presents it securely online to the client, branded as the IFA
    - drafted a new Flex 4 compliant architecture for the second iteration of the system using Mate
    - creation/improvement of several modules built on top of the existing system (Flex 3 + Cairngorm)
    - Extensive use of datavisualization components (charting, advanced components, ...), creation of tailored components (TimeMachine layout, caching system, ...)
  • FlexStuff Limited - Senior Flex/Flash Platform/AIR and Mobile programmer

    2009 - maintenant Freelance developer, working on site and/or remotely, focusing on Flex 3 and 4 components development, AIR and now mobile applications development.
    - Currently trying to kickoff a revolutionary startup project (aren't they all?).
    - Worked with Hypnocode GmbH during 6 months for CMC Markets London
    - Worked with GFT during 6 months for HSBC
    - Worked with Keytree during 4 months for Centrica
    - Worked in Paris with Keytree during 6 months for a project for SAP (the final client being Publicis Worldwide)
    - Contributed for 4 months to the development and the re-architecturing of MoneyInfo, a personal finance web application/dashboard for Sammedia Ltd.
    - Creation of CatalystBuilderSync, an AIR application automating projects synchronization between Adobe Flash Builder and Adobe Flash Catalyst
  • Tailgate Technologies - Senior ActionScript/Flex/Flash developer

    2008 - 2009 In charge with the front-end architecting and development of a new breed of web advertising system or R.A.A. (Rich
    Advertising Applications), expanding the usually limited functionalities of the online ad units (by adding E-Commerce
    functionalities, search and retrieve functions, embedded media player, ...).
    - Development of full-fledged AS3/Flex applications with specialized Flex components
    - Development of an authoring tool for the creation of our R.A.A. It’s a visual version of Flex, where users can create their own applications
    by drag-and-dropping components (i.e. Yahoo Pipes).
    Enhanced user experience, ease of use, eye-catching visuals and interactions but also evolutivity, respect of good
    OOP, extensive use of existing frameworks (PureMVC, Matte, Degrafa, Papervision3D, ...) and development of spe-
    cialized ones, all were part of the global strategy developed here. The whole systems relies on intensive Client-Server exchanges (.Net/WebOrb, RTMPS/Red5).
  • SBE Ltd - Flex Developer / Web Designer

    2006 - 2008 Development of several online tools in Flex including Advanced booking systems for T-Mobile Customer Service, End-User booking system for Motorola, dashboard management system for Sony Ericsson, End-User diagnostic tool for SFR and T-Mobile...
    All these systems rely on tight integration between Flash (Flex) - PHP/AMF - MySQL and or Oracle.
  • BVProject - Flash Developer

    2004 - 2006 Freelance work as Senior Flash Developer for a various range of customers: advertisement companies (EuroRscg,...), Institutions (City of Rennes, Normandy Council,...), High-Schools, Telecommunication companies (France Telecom, SFR,...), Veolia, Euroceans,...
  • L'Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique - Flash / Project Management Teacher

    2004 - 2006 Teaching Flash development and project management to students in hypermedia design for l'Ecole de Design Nantes Atlantique.
  • Agelia (formerly Rennes Color) - Flash Developer / Designer

    2001 - 2003 Development of internal tools using Flash, mostly an end-user system designed to create photo webcards.
  • Isocele - Senior Director Developer

    1996 - 2001 Development of a wide number of CD-ROMs using Adobe Director (formerly Macromedia Director), films,... in various domains: E-Learning, corporate presentations, advertising,... for various companies such as France Telecom, Alcatel, Yves Rocher, Caisse d'Epargne,...
  • ESRA (formerly ETPA Rennes) - Multimedia Teacher

    1995 - 1996 Main teacher in charge with the 2nd year of the multimedia formation.
  • Agr'Equip - Multimedia Designer

    1994 - 1996 Creation of several E-Learning CD-ROMs and films for a technical school.


Annuaire des membres :