


En résumé

Les deux profils d'un même visage : consultant & directeur financier

Après avoir passé huit ans au sein du département audit d’Arthur Andersen (Groupe Ernst & Young), j'ai participé activement, en qualité de directeur financier, aux restructurations de deux groupes agro-alimentaires (ULN puis Vivadour) qui regroupaient de nombreuses PME.

Une démarche d’entrepreneur

A mon compte depuis 1997, je mets à la disposition des entrepreneurs de TPE & PME mes expertises acquises au sein de grands comptes. Consultant opérationnel, j'accompagne mes clients sur de nombreuses thématiques se rapportant à la gestion financière d’exploitation, le financement de projet de développement et le pilotage de projet de système d’information.

Du savoir-faire au faire-savoir

Co-auteur de : ‘Les NTIC : Comment en tirer profit ?’(RIA / Dunod -2003 -)

Mes compétences :
Recherche de financements
Finance d'entreprise
Levée de fonds privés
Outils de pilotage
Business plan
Gestion de projet
Maîtrise des risques



    1997 - maintenant Corporate business and financial management consultancy

    - The audit and the installation of mechanisms to improve business management :
    o Accounting, management control, treasury management
    o Reducing delays in the implementation of budget controls and requirements
    o Reorganisation of financial departments

    - Project Management and collaboration on management information systems
    - Risk Management:
    o The optimisation of internal audit systems(SOX / LFS)
    o The Reorganisation of Business Continuity Plans within the confines of setting up an assigned framework
    - Strategic and financial consultant to small businesses and industries.

     Clients :- Industries & services : AREVA, PECHINEY, NSS, etc.
    - Banques : Caisse d’Epargne, Banque Populaires, CRCA

    1993 - 1995 Administrative and Financial Director (member of the Executive Board of Group Directors)

    Principal realizations, in this newly appointed post and new department with a workforce of 30 :
    - Accounting : the setting up of consolidated accounts,
    - Management Control : the creation and putting in place of a management control system,
    - Legal and Fiscal : judicial and fiscal reorganisation of the Group,
    - Treasury : the creation of a centralised cash flow management system.

    Summary : The reorganization of an agro-industrial group within the context of a merger and the redefining of this new group’s strategies and policies
  • UNION LAITIERE NORMANDE - Financial Controller, Europe

    1989 - 1992 Responsibility for the financial, administrative and judicial aspects relating to five European subsidiaries.

    Main realizations, in this newly created position :
    - The setting up and reorganisation of the administrative departments and systems,
    - The establishment of budgetary, reporting and treasury procedures,
    - Organization .of monitoring procedures for operational transactions within the context of industrial restructuring and external growth.

    Summary : Experience in the creation of a new European Division for the commercialisation of products destined for large scale retailing.
  • Cabinet FRINAULT FIDUCIAIRE (Groupe Ar. Andersen, puis Ernst & Young) - Manager

    1982 - 1989 Principal achievements :
    Commissioner : Operational responsibility for missions in the following sectors:
    - Industrial : Groups THOMSON, PSA
    - Public Works : Group G.T.M.
    - Banking : Group SUEZ

    Evaluation : evaluation within the context of a merger or the rapprochement of companies or within the context of a privatization (SUEZ).

    Management : Coordination and management of teams consisting of 2 to 15 collaborators.



Annuaire des membres :